Tuesday, April 24, 2012

tears in rain

So I have returned to my blog, that I write in so rarely.  But it is a fun way to write down musings in my life as I begin philosophical debates in my brain.  And today's debate is:  The meaning of Blade Runner.

Now, yes, it is a very hard movie to watch.  Many things do not make sense in the film, and some are the result of cheap plot movement necessities.  But the over arching meaning to this movie is only unlocked in the second to last scene of the film, and only then does the social commentary become even vaguely apparent.

And I'm not ready to really discuss my thoughts on this on paper yet.  this is a very meaningful topic that I believe can touch each individual in its own way, and should be left to that, not to be shown what it means.  Blade Runner is an individuals experience and what they value in life.  There is to be no handout on this one folks, you must discover the meaning, your own meaning.  Only then can one come to understand the wonder and impact of this film and its possibilities on society.  It's a shame no one bothers to sit down and watch a movie anymore (or that no one tries to make great meaningful A-list movies that aren't canned emotions)

Monday, April 23, 2012

more postulations


I've had some more thoughts. These are more along musical lines, but still applicable in some manners. Well not really. more like humor.

Bruckner - JRR Tolkien of music. Its great, but damn there are so many details.

Brahms - Conservative wizard of the romantic genre.

Mahler - My pain shall be released upon my ascension to a higher plane. By the way, has anyone seen my wife?

Wagner - Very angry little man

[i've got a bad feeling about this]